Tag: Montessori grandparent

Tag: Montessori grandparent

How to Make New Connections With Your Grandkids—Virtually

As grandparents who live away from our two young grandchildren, maintaining a long-distance family connection is very important to us—and it can also be challenging for all. Knowing how busy both their family’s and our schedules are, finding a moment to connect with our grandchildren often falls into a small and spontaneous window of time.

Create Rich and Lasting Grandchild Relationships With Practical Life Activities

✨Now that we are grandparents, our home is not set up with day-to-day activities for our young grandchildren. However, when our grandchildren visit, we have age-appropriate toys, games, puzzles and books organized for them in a few of our home cabinets. We also have Montessori-at-home practical life materials ready to use as learning tools. These materials

Toddler Art Activities Offer Practical Life and Sensory Learning

Because children are naturally drawn to hands-on exploration, art activities can be especially attractive to the toddler. This attraction encourages the gathering of important information through touch. As Dr. Montessori discovered, “The human hand allows the mind to reveal itself.” Toddler Art Benefits The benefits of learning through art are many. To begin with, art

Introducing New Foods to Toddlers as a Sensory Activity

Most often, toddlers are eager to try new activities. Typically, they are “all in” when invited to participate. With boundless enthusiasm for learning, the young child tends to explore with all their developing senses and abilities. Because of this, it’s not uncommon for a toddler to want to explore an activity by tasting and mouthing

Toddler Painting Activities Offer Layers of Valuable Learning

Toddler painting is layered with practical life learning experiences and more! When an invitation to paint is offered to the toddler, it is almost always received with great enthusiasm. And as an activity, it becomes a great opportunity for layers of learning. With a little advance thought, painting as an activity can include practical life, sensorial, language,