Tag: Montessori grandparent

Tag: Montessori grandparent

How to Make New Connections With Your Grandkids—Virtually

“We must understand that anything which animates the child is a help to his development.”~ Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures As grandparents who live away from our two young grandchildren, maintaining a long-distance family connection is very important to us—and it can also be challenging for all. With both their family’s and our busy

Create Rich and Lasting Grandchild Relationships With Practical Life Activities

“The children love to do these things* for themselves and they learn to be careful and precise in their movements. This is both education of movement, because there is a refinement of muscular co-ordination when the work is carefully done, and education through movement, because these activities involve judgement and will, self-discipline, and an appreciation

Toddler Art Activities Offer Practical Life and Sensory Learning

“Movement of the hand is essential. Little children revealed that the development of the mind is stimulated by the movement of the hands. The hand is the instrument of the intelligence. The child needs to manipulate objects and to gain experience by touching and handling. ” ~ Maria Montessori, The 1946 London Lectures Because children are

Introducing New Foods to Toddlers as a Sensory Activity

“Psychological studies have shown that it is necessary to isolate the senses as far as possible if some single quality is to be brought out.” ~ Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child Most often, toddlers are eager to try new activities. Typically, they are “all in” when invited to participate. With boundless enthusiasm for

Painting Activities Offer a Toddler Layers of Valuable Learning

“When children experience pleasure not only from an activity leading towards a special goal but also in carrying it out exactly in all its details, they open up a whole new area of education for themselves. In other words, preference should be given to an education of movement: practical activities are simply an external incentive