Tag: Montessori inspired activity

Tag: Montessori inspired activity

Children Love Cookies and Caring for Others

After learning about a neighbor’s recent foot injury, we decided to make blueberry cookies for her. Knowing how he loves making (and eating) cookies, I suggested he could take some to his family too. After all, there would be plenty! “Yes!!” Indeed, his heart was all in! Now that he’s three years old, I felt

Discovering the Depths of the Learning:🤿 Exploring Sea Life 🐠

“These lessons, exact and fascinating, given in an intimate way to each child separately, are the teacher’s offering to the depths of the child’s soul.” Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind Because the child is a natural observer and imitator, they strive to do exactly as we do. After all, they are innately working toward independence.