Tag: Child development

Tag: Child development

Introducing Music Skills to the Child 👉🏼 Benefits for Life

“Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul.” Plato The Benefits of Music 🎶 Maria Montessori observed that the child’s sensitive period for music takes place between the ages of two and six years. During this period, the

The Child’s Need for Order—Exactly as It Should Be

In their first six years of life, the child will pass through stages of development called “sensitive periods”. During these stages of development, and supported by their absorbent mind, the child is ready to master specific skills effortlessly. Dr. Montessori’s observations revealed these sensitive periods; they involve movement, mathematics, refinement of the senses, social skills,

Natural Urges Guide The First Three Years of Learning

Children are born with innate urges to guide them as they gain control of their muscles and senses. Especially in the first three years of life, they are unconscious learners and work tirelessly toward independence. And as they develop naturally, they learn to hold their head up, roll over, sit, crawl, walk, run and talk

Listening Is the True Magic

“Under the urge of nature and according to the laws of development, though not understood by the adult, the child is obliged to be serious about two fundamental things … the first is the love of activity … The second fundamental thing is independence.” — Maria Montessori There’s no magic pill for parenting or instruction