Tag: Activities for grandchildren

Tag: Activities for grandchildren

Create Rich and Lasting Grandchild Relationships With Practical Life Activities

✨Now that we are grandparents, our home is not set up with day-to-day activities for our young grandchildren. However, when our grandchildren visit, we have age-appropriate toys, games, puzzles and books organized for them in a few of our home cabinets. We also have Montessori-at-home practical life materials ready to use as learning tools. These materials

Toddler Painting Activities Offer Layers of Valuable Learning

Toddler painting is layered with practical life learning experiences and more! When an invitation to paint is offered to the toddler, it is almost always received with great enthusiasm. And as an activity, it becomes a great opportunity for layers of learning. With a little advance thought, painting as an activity can include practical life, sensorial, language,