Tag: Montessori house

montessori house

Tag: Montessori house

When One Door Closes, SHOW The Child How to Open It

montessori practical life materials

“When one door closes, another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell, Montessori supporter and founder of the Montessori Educational Association in 1913 . Young children are naturally attracted to things that

Wise Home Design Details and Montessori Principles: A Beautiful Fit

Design Wise by Vern Yip  Once Designer Vern Yip was confirmed as the guest speaker at a local Charleston museum fundraiser, I reserved my seat. My calendar was marked and I ordered a copy of his newest design book, Vern Yip’s Design Wise. Along with more than one hundred attendees, I listened intently as he shared