Tag: Montessori garden

montessori garden

Tag: Montessori garden

The Best Growth and Learning Happens in Fertile Soil

montessori puzzles

🌺Each spring, we prepare our flower boxes, beds and pots with fresh soil. Once prepared, we plant a variety of flowers to enjoy all summer long. Along with the beautiful flowers, we also add a new tree annually. As the landscape takes shape, it’s always wonderful to see how much our garden grows. 🌱Involving the child

Practical Life and Caring for Plants

montessori garden ideas

Caring for plants, both indoors and outdoors, is part of our daily practical life routine at home. Our sunny and warm climate means our plants require watering, trimming and attention frequently. Watering Tools Are Always Handy and Support Growth 🌱 We always keep a watering can and mister handy. As important as it is for