Tag: Prepared environment

Tag: Prepared environment

Preparing for Change? When Less Can Offer More Growth

“The urge towards growth lies within the child himself – his intelligence and character will grow whatever we may do, but we can help or hinder the growth. The child in the overluxurious nursery with too many toys and distractions and the irksomeness of constant supervision is like a young plant that is overwatered –

Wise Home Design Details and Montessori Principles: A Beautiful Fit

Design Wise by Vern Yip  Once Designer Vern Yip was confirmed as the guest speaker at a local Charleston museum fundraiser, I reserved my seat. My calendar was marked and I ordered a copy of his newest design book, Vern Yip’s Design Wise. Along with more than one hundred attendees, I listened intently as he shared

The Child’s First and Greatest Teacher: The Hand

“He does it with his hands, by experience, first in play and then through work. The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence. “ — Maria Montessori As parents, milestone expectations are common concerns as children grow and develop. Within a relatively short time, helpless newborns gain control of their bodies and movements. Before long,