Tag: Sensorial experience

Tag: Sensorial experience

Introducing Music Skills to the Child Offers Benefits for Life

“We tend to think that the realm of music is the privileged area of some happy few. Experience has taught us, however, that if offered the right kind of education from a very early age onwards, anyone is capable of entering the realm of music. Not everyone has the talent to practise music at an

Sweet and Sensorial Treasures Are Found Peeling a Clementine

montessori kitchen activities

“The sensory education which prepares for the accurate perception of all the differential details in the qualities of things, is therefore the foundation of the observation of things and of phenomena which present themselves to our sense;” ~ Maria Montessori, The Advanced Montessori Method Simple as it may seem, peeling a clementine is a rewarding

The Child’s First and Greatest Teacher: The Hand

“He does it with his hands, by experience, first in play and then through work. The hands are the instruments of man’s intelligence. “ — Maria Montessori As parents, milestone expectations are common concerns as children grow and develop. Within a relatively short time, helpless newborns gain control of their bodies and movements. Before long,