Tag: Montessori at Home

Tag: Montessori at Home

Prepared In The Kitchen for Practical Life

“He who is served is limited in his independence.” Dr. Maria Montessori When our grandchildren or young friends visit, I add a ‘Practical Life’ shelf to our kitchen. A home environment that serves the child is critical for their optimal development and independence. My work with children in our home has confirmed its importance. Especially

Who Let the (Now Dirty) Dog Out?

montessori at home projects for kids

Always grateful for the sharing of ideas, an Instagram post @monti.day.by.day inspired our dog figurine washing activity.  When they are visiting us, I offer our grandchildren and young friends opportunities to help care for our family dog. They can feed her, fill her water bowl and help to walk her on her leash. Before long,

See Skills ‘Stack Up’ In a Prepared Environment

Who would believe a simple stacking toy could provide so many benefits? This favorite and go-to toy of many of our young family and friends fully engages their senses during hands-on play. And once the exploration begins, it’s time to sit back and watch as their skills stack up! “Praise, help, or even a look,

Children Love Cookies and Caring for Others

After learning about a neighbor’s recent foot injury, we decided to make blueberry cookies for her. Knowing how he loves making (and eating) cookies, I suggested he could take some to his family too. After all, there would be plenty! “Yes!!” Indeed, his heart was all in! Now that he’s three years old, I felt

Discovering the Depths of the Learning:🤿 Exploring Sea Life 🐠

“These lessons, exact and fascinating, given in an intimate way to each child separately, are the teacher’s offering to the depths of the child’s soul.” Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind Because the child is a natural observer and imitator, they strive to do exactly as we do. After all, they are innately working toward independence.

Sweet Sensorial Treasures Can Be Found Peeling a Clementine

montessori kitchen activities

Simple as it may seem, peeling a clementine is a rewarding activity for any child. As a matter of fact, I’d consider it to be a sensorial treasure packed with rich language learning, fine motor and cognitive skill building opportunities! After offering him the bowl filled with clementines, he chose the one he wanted to

When One Door Closes, Show the Child How to Open It

montessori practical life materials

Young children are naturally attracted to things that open and close; and this is especially true when it comes to doors, doorknobs and handles. When this profound interest happens, it will likely continue until the child’s need is satisfied. A Doorknob Offers Hands-on Learning and Fosters Development The knob in his hand is yet another material

The Best Growth and Learning Happens in Fertile Soil

montessori puzzles

🌺Each spring, we prepare our flower boxes, beds and pots with fresh soil. Once prepared, we plant a variety of flowers to enjoy all summer long. Along with the beautiful flowers, we also add a new tree annually. As the landscape takes shape, it’s always wonderful to see how much our garden grows. 🌱Involving the child

Practical Life and Caring for Plants

montessori garden ideas

Caring for plants, both indoors and outdoors, is part of our daily practical life routine at home. Our sunny and warm climate means our plants require watering, trimming and attention frequently. Watering Tools Are Always Handy and Support Growth 🌱 We always keep a watering can and mister handy. As important as it is for

Allow The Child Time to Be Thoughtful and Receptive

As adults, we all have fond and emotional memories deep within us from our early childhood experiences. Most of us can recall intense relationships with other living things: favorite animals we had and loved, open fields, wild flowers growing on a mountain side, or perhaps the sound of a fresh water stream trickling down the