Simple as it may seem, peeling a clementine is a rewarding activity for any child. As a matter of fact, I’d consider it to be a sensorial treasure packed with rich language learning, fine motor and cognitive skill building opportunities!

After offering him the bowl filled with clementines, he chose the one he wanted to peel first. As he felt the outer skin’s supple and textured exterior, his hands confirmed it was the perfect size for a young child to explore. He rubbed the sides while moving it from hand to hand, thoroughly creating what had to be a lasting internal impression. When he finished, I asked if I could show him how to begin peeling. After helping him by creating the first slit to pull from, he began pulling a piece of its skin away releasing its fresh and crisp citrus aroma.

It took time and a little assistance from me, but the sweet reward was worth the wait. Not only did he enjoy a nutritious fruit snack, he was building his concentration, enhancing his small motor skills, refining his senses and adding new language to his vocabulary.

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